Carleen on Finding Inner Peace

What does inner peace mean to you?​
Inner peace to me is a feeling. It's a sense of stillness and calm. A knowing that no matter what your life looks like in that season or moment, everything is and will be okay. Of course, it’s a journey, one that requires a lot of effort and patience. But like anything else, the more you work at doing things that fulfill you and nurture your soul, the more you can find those moments of peace in your day to day life.
Can you share a specific moment or experience that helped you understand the importance of inner peace?​
I feel like I’ve always noticed certain activities or places that brought me a sense of peace, but I didn’t fully lean into it until I started heavily practicing gratitude in the pandemic. And when I say heavily practicing, I mean making a conscious effort to appreciate everything in my life, even the small things we often take for granted. I was also spending a lot of time in nature which I’ve always felt spiritually connected to, but I noticed how much more grounded and aware I became the more time I spent there. I think that period was the first time I consistently felt inner peace and saw the positive impact it had not only on my life but on who I was becoming as a person.

What are some practices that help you reconnect with a sense of calm when life feels overwhelming?
​​Spending time with God, being in nature, sitting by the water, journaling, reading a book, being with family, morning walks, listening to music, watching the sunrise/sunset.