Trinity on Navigating Anxiety

Name: Trinity
How does anxiety typically show up for you, and have you identified any specific triggers that make it worse?
For me, anxiety really shows up most often in my speech, and as pain in my chest. I have struggled with social anxiety since I was really young. I know that I am not comfortable when I’m not able to speak without tripping up on words, or if I can’t seem to bring myself to raise the volume that I am speaking in. One of the things that I have been more mindful about recently is keeping my voice strong no matter what. To not feel intimidated by others and to recognize that what I am saying is worthy of being heard.
Is this something you’ve always struggled with, or did it begin at a specific point in your life?
Anxiety has been a challenge for me for a while. Growing up I was bullied, which isn’t necessarily a unique experience, but for me it really affected how I carried myself for years. I am pretty tall and I would shrink myself, people would talk to me and I would try to say as little as possible. I would tell a joke and when the people around me laughed I would start to panic because I wasn’t sure if they were laughing at me or with me. It took me a really long time to regain my voice.